Woke up Sunday morning and went on a search for coffee. I didn't find any, but I did find the young man who was manning the sound system asleep in his chair. What a dedicated guy! He did a great job and the sound system was in good hands.

Our folks began greeting the day. Lovely, lovely Mary and her daughter took pity on me and went and bought some coffee (I didn't have a car so I could hightail it out and get some of my own). No wonder Mary is one of my favorite folks in the world!

After having my morning coffee, thanks to the lovely, lovely Mary and her lovely daughter, monkey and I took a walk to check out how the morning was going for everyone. It was crisp and cold and a walk sounded good.

Rhonda was packing up. I had to wait until Mark arrived to begin unloading, and the wagon in this picture was going to come in very handy. Trust me on this.

There were several signs. Some were printed up professionally. This group also had shirts that matched the sign. They also did some amazing fundraising.

Some signs were hand printed. I really liked this one: very imaginative.

With how cold it was I was surprised at how many folks were sleeping outside. Thank goodness it didn't start raining, but thank goodness there were several buildings open that these folks could run to.
With the change of venue many folks were wondering how it would work out being at the fairgrounds, but it was actually very nice there. The stage was already in place, there was a great covered area to have the Survivor Celebration at, and as I noted before lots of clean, warm buildings for folks to go into in case of nasty weather. We managed to escape rain during the night and Sunday morning:
wahoo for that!

Little red barn. Just liked the look of it.

Early in the morning there was a full campsite next to the picnic table. They were FAST with take down!

Tammy and crew began all the fun.

Lots of folks still walking. Like we say, we walk for 24 hours.

Monkey was tired after our travels.

The 'ruins' of our campsite.

Doug went exploring. This hill is right behind our campsite.

Monkey was now hungry: that banana he's got just wasn't enough.
Panera (I think that spelling is way off, darn it) provided wonderful cinnamon rolls for the dads for Father's Day, and after the dads took what they wanted there were quite a few left: monkey liked that. He's no one's dad, but he sure likes cinnamon rolls.

Mark and crew took everything down.

After all these years of Relay Mark had got this down to a science.

Monkey decided to hang out with Krystal.

Breakfast, thanks to

Hey, like I said, Mark has this down.

Big Philly came to have breakfast with us and he brought
Krispy Kremes.

Closing ceremony. They kept it short and sweet, and our Relay raised over one hundred and seven thousand dollars!! The committee and the team captains and the team members all did a great job!

Tammy, her daughter, and her mom are ready to go. They were all with us the first year of the
Hillsboro Relay 8 years ago: her daughter is growing into a wonderful young lady and I enjoy having her come year after year. And her mom is the nicest lady ever!

Rhonda and
Capi are ready to go home. Good job as always ladies. Go home and get some rest. That's what I'm going to do (and yes, I took a three and a half hour nap).

Doug and Krystal are ready to go home.
Hmmm...I think after this Krystal is ready to hurt Doug.
Another Relay ends, with lots of money raised to fight cancer. We're going to beat it one of these days. We know we will.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing Mary - it was good to see you!
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