Today the
ACS Relay For Life of
Tualatin is going on. I got there nice and early this morning to set up for the Survivor Celebration. I unloaded my stuff, put the tables and chairs up, decorated the tables, and got ready to let our Survivors know THEY are the reason we Relay.

Here is a picture of the field before everyone arrived.

One the young women from
Tualatin HS organized a run/walk, taking place before the Relay. She had around 71 people take part and it was a rousing success! I am so impressed by the young people who become involved with Relay. Their parents should be so proud of them.

Run for Relay!

Here is my Survivor Celebration set up. I bought a bunch of
dodads and put them out on the tables. Very decorative! It made me happy how much people liked the decorations. AND not just the kids: the adults all loved taking some of the dodads with them.

Got the Survivor shirts all lined up, ready to hand out.
Hey mom and dad, I have yours ready and I'll send them along. I thought of you today. YOU are the reason I Relay. I love you and wished you were here. You were with me today, really.

A happy
dodad. Ready for the Survivors to come and party! Makes you smile, eh?

Folks began to arrive and began to gather for the opening ceremony.

Girl and Boy Scouts gathered on the stage, to help kick off the event.

They didn't have a flag, so we were instructed to view the flag on this young man's shoulder. Very inventive, and the young man speaking did an excellent job.

Sharon, from Breast Friends, spoke at the opening ceremony. She did a great job!!!!!

Our Survivors.

The first lap was very inspiring. All the teams cheered, and they followed our Survivors and let them know how much they cared. It was wonderful.

Our littlest Survivor.

Paradise Bakery was wonderful and provided cookie gift bags for our Survivors.

Our lunch was late, so our good friends at Paradise Bakery brought out a cookie CAKE (yes, that is a big ole chocolate chip cookie, frosted--AMAZING). So festive and good.

They also brought a cookie shaped like a purple ribbon, and some brownie bites. You should have seen
every one's faces! No one minded eating desert first today. No one.

See what I mean???

After the celebration I walked the track. Rock climbing wall was very popular.

I was so glad to see Kathy, Victor, and Charlie visit. I MISS seeing Kathy at work.

I loved the
robot here. This young man informed me his father made it and he was very proud of that. Very nice young man here folks. The kind of folks that make me happy I Relay.

A fun picture of the event. Is this not creative to the max?

The first bank was so good! I'd love to have them come to
Hillsboro and play there too.
No, they aren't a Jazz band. LOL! (private joke for Hillsboro Relay folks)

Our littlest Survivor walks the track.

Being at
Tualatin HS field I had to go and sit in the visitor stands. Been there several times for football games. Brings back some nice memories.
Remember the empty field? Not so empty now! A good turn out.

I will always remember. When I first started doing Relay I was doing it for Terry
Henshaw. She was my first trainer at Intel, one of the craziest ladies I've ever known, and I miss her. I also Relay for my Aunt
Mikie, Terry (one of the guys I worked with at Intel), Sandy...I could go on and on.
One day I'd LOVE to be in a world where no one ever has to hear the words, 'You have cancer'.
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