Yesterday was one busy day. I first called my sister Linda to talk about mom and making sure we're on the same page with how to best be there for mom and dad. It was good talking to her and I'll probably call again today. Good thoughts mom coming your way!
I drove on over to
Beaverton to go the their Relay's big ole yard sale. It was in a parking lot, great location, and great weather. Kathy and her crew were excited and I bought a necklace (yes, Mary Jo and Mom, I bought a necklace...it's so pretty I can't wait to show you!) and I can't wait to hear how well they did.
I then drove to the Ronald McDonald House to pick up tickets for last nights concert. Whew!

Jennifer and crew came over around 11. We ate lunch and then we took ourselves over to
Metzger School to play in the playground. I thought it was funny that with all the wonderful equipment the school has to offer that Luke went right for the fence. Too appealing! Isn't it great that stuff like this still appeals to kids? Good old fashioned fun.

He worked his way slowly and surely further and further.

Caleb and I hung out a bit. Not sure which picture I like better: no shades,

or shades. You decide: I can't. Course I like him either way, so I can't judge.

Well, Miss Cate seems to be going somewhere.

Ah, following big brother's lead.

Ellie arrived so I could watch her while her parents move. She cried just a bit and then the kids got her to come out and play. She and Caleb got along just fine.



Luke told us he was stuck. Did we help? Oh no. We took pictures.

Cate is up again. She was busy, busy, busy all afternoon.

As you can see Luke is none the worse for being stuck and the adults who were suppose to be protecting him did not unstuck him so they could take pictures of him being stuck.
Adults stink sometimes, don't they Luke?

Ellie wanted to climb on the stairs, but then she wasn't quite so sure. Cracked me up!

Back at the house Miss Cate wanted to show me something.

Well I do believe we've got a spinner on our hands folks. All right!

She prepares her windup....

The spin is in motion!

And we're just about to land!
She had a lot of fun spinning and spinning and I had fun watching her. I wish life was always about stuff like climbing fences, going up and down a slide, and spinning. That would be good.

Okay, you think you're looking at a cute little girl with a car. You are not.

You are looking at a cute little girl with a 'car phone'. As she's walking away she's saying, 'Hello, hello?" Jennifer and I were cracking up big time.

Mark and Mary's house has lots of fun 'toys'. We have a gazelle and those are fun for big and little kids alike. Caleb gets a workout while Luke and Cate wait for a turn.

Mark was a doll and got the air hockey table ready for play. The boys had a blast!

Caleb couldn't wait to give it a go.

Luke took it pretty seriously. He's doing his best to prevent Caleb from scoring.

I have the feeling though that Caleb was the victor. Just a guess.

Word to the wise: if you're going to take pictures with my camera, you're opening yourself up to having any said pictures posted on my blog. Word.