Been pretty friggin COLD lately. We woke up the other day and there was ice everywhere! Mark and I went in to work late that morning. Just got the car out of the shop and didn't want to chance dinging up the car. Nuff done for now. Doesn't my stained glass window look beautiful? Thanks Mary Jo and Caroline. I love it and think of you both whenever I look at it.

Cold. Ice. Ouch!

So the ice got me thinking about the gift Cari made me for Christmas. Ice. Snowy weather. Penguins. Really, it's a natural. I swear.
Last year she drew me the story of the adventures in a day of "Mary and Ned". I LOVE IT. I had asked her to do something like this and what she came up with more than met my expectations. And this year she made me a Ned softie and packaged it herself. I was blown away! At first I wondered where she was able to buy a Ned....I'm real swift sometimes. But I have to tell you she did an amazing job.

I love Ned and I love our adventures.
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