Someone from the
RMH bought me some Pampered Chef cookie sheets at an auction. So of course I had to give them a go, and of course I LOVE them!!! Here I've just taken out a batch of chocolate chip cookies with leftover Valentines M&Ms in them. I don't really like
CCC, so I had to rely on Mark and Steven's opinions, and they gave them a thumbs up.

I like the color the M&M's provide.

Baking. Watching the

Lire decied to come on over and check to see if I was cooking up something she would like. No such luck.

Mark worked on some stuff around the house, and he watched the Olympics as well. He was getting into the curling event (is that spelled right??).

I think I need to stop reading some of the baking blogs I read for now. I found a recipe for rock road brownie cupcakes, and when I realized I had everything the recipe called for I just had to bake up a batch. So very easy, and very good (I only ate half of one....need to mellow out on the baking for a while so I can ensure I fit my new, beautiful, 'can't wait for Megan and Dylan to get themselves hitched' dress), and I'm thinking I'll bake up a batch this week at the House. Fun!

Here are the remaining cupcakes, all packaged up and ready to be eaten.
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