Remember these? Small hamburgers that weren't hamburgers?

Yesterday I received a wonderful thank you note from the wonderful folks at the Ronald McDonald House. Lots of folks signed it, thanking me for the AFD treats.
I am the lucky one, and I'm so thankful, that I get to do this for them. I enjoy going online looking for ideas for cookies, cupcakes, and cakes. Ideas for holiday treats. And I love going to the library and checking out books. I make myself a cup of tea and day dream about baking everything I see, baking to my full heart's desire. I am so lucky.

As I was reviewing the different blogs, day dreaming again, cupcakes and cookies dancing in my head, I noticed the cat enjoying the sunshine.

Her leg will never be the same, but she's moving around just fine, and she seems content with life. Especially when she gets to sleep with Doug (her new favorite), and when she gets to sit on a window sill. AND if the window is open, that is the bomb to her! She can stay there all day, just hanging out. This darn ole cat.

She left the window to come and sit with me. I love this picture of her. Sweetness.
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