Last night was a fun Happy New Year! Lisa and Andy always throw a great shindig. Always. We go to their house for tail gating parties before football games, and so of course we had to go to their house for a Happy New Year. It fits a pattern folks. It fits a pattern.

Football talk I'm pretty sure.

Snowboarders enjoyed the 'snow'.

Santa was a bit off on his timing, about a week late.

After a Happy New Year we went home. Mark went to bed.
Some young men we know began to plot. Man, this doesn't bode well for someone. I wonder what they're up to?

'Hop On Pop'!

'Hop on Pop! Hop on Pop!
Do you like to Hop on Pop?'

'Yes I like to Hop on Pop!
But now I have to run a lot.'
'Run a lot. Run a lot.
Do you like to run a lot
after fun of Hop on Pop?'

'Poor ole Pop'.

'Hop on Pop. Hop on Pop.
Steven LOVES to Hop on Pop!
And rub it in to Poor ole Pop!'

'Poor ole Pop'.
Hey Linda, remind you of when we used to gang up on John? Ah, the memories come flooding back. Ha!

Happy New Year one and all. I wish everyone joy and love and your heart's desire.
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