My dad is a sports kind of guy. I remember as a kid going to the park and playing while dad played, or umpired, baseball. I remember going to the bowling alley and hanging out while he bowled in a league. I remember going to a high school football game dad refereed (I think it was at Live Oak High School) when I was in the 6th grade, and our baby sitter was there, and she was one of the baton twirlers, AND she even used batons that were on fire! Wow, do I remember that. I remember listening to baseball games on the radio during road trips, and at picnics. I still like listening to games on the radio today: reminds me of lots of good times we had.
I don't have many memories of dad and golf, except I know he's a fiend for it. But there is a funny story out there about a very young Steven and a golf cart gone a stray. I wasn't there, but I hear it was funny.
AND this last year my dad was golfing with a friend, and at the same hole they both got a hole in one! Can you believe it? How amazing is that? You go dad!
Hey dad, remember when you were umpiring a baseball game, Linda broke her arm, and when she came to tell you, you told her to wait until the inning was over? I remember she was pretty low keyed about it all (pretty good for a little kid, eh?), and I'm pretty sure you were pretty amazed when you found out she wanted your attention because her darn ole arm was broken! What the heck! That's our Linda girl.
Come to think about it, I cut my eye at that same park (not at the same time as the infamous Linda broken arm thingy), and I had to have stitches. Maybe we should have rethought that whole park thing dad. Maybe.
Back to you dad.
My dad is funny, sporty, smart, loving, and I ADORE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART. I love how he ADORES MY MOTHER WITH ALL HIS HEART. I am so lucky that my parents showed me what loving each other is all about. Mark is lucky that way too. We both have wonderful parents and don't think we don't know it.
Dad found a tile, with a child's note framed in it. A cute little note, probably written during class. A cute little note, probably written during class, definitely written on the very day my dad was born! How cool is that? What are the odds?
By the way, come to think about it, what's with the names Mary, Linda, John, and Tom? Come on folks: could you have chosen any simpler names? Would have served John right if you'd named him Percival, or something along that line............hee, hee. I'm liking it. Percival.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Chuck. Your lookin' good.
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