For New Years Day we woke up 'kinda early' (everyone was partying and such the night before for gosh sakes!), threw some stuff in a rented van, and took off for Washington.

We arrived at Grandma Jo and
Bampa's house and there was a party going on. Lots of great folks, lots of good food, and lots of fun to be had. We jumped right in.

Richard found the bar.
Nuff said.

Caroline: you HAVE to like this picture! Look how cute you are!!!! You have to or I'll disown you. You are so cute: deal with it. I love this picture.

In fact, look how cute you and Carol are here. I adore you both, and I LOVE the pictures.

Look how cute Cari, Grandma Jo, and Carol all are. Just one big ole group of cute people.

CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!! I am so darn lucky to have such a wonderful family.

Wow, my cute family is hanging out, discussing world events and such, and it looks like Steven is drinking. Heck, he's 21 now. You go Steven!
Hmmm...looks like Grandma Jo is explaining the facts of life of alcohol to Steven, now that he's 21 and can now FINALLY drink (yeah, right). You go Grandma Jo, you go girl!

Steven does not look convinced about the facts of life about alcohol explained by his Grandma, even though he's now 21 and now FINALLY able to drink (yeah, right).

Oh. Looking at this picture I think he'll follow the example of his shirt and 'Just Do It'. What a brave guy to be 21 and finally get to drink alcohol (yeah, right). You go guy!

My cute family continues to hang out and I notice that Jessica seems to be having a '
tude'. Brian is talking young lady: you need to pay attention and give him the proper respect. What is your problem? Dillion and Megan are behaving themselves. What's with you young lady?

Oh I see. Doug is your problem! That explains it. You go girl!

Go Jessica, go!

Man, when that girl gets a
tude, she doesn't waste any time or effort, eh?
Hmmm... I think I see what's going on here.
The bar tender appears to be a bit young to be dispensing alcohol. Perhaps he has provided a bit too much to Steven and Jessica and that accounts for their attitudes. I have the feeling this is the case.

Oh my gosh, look at this! He is way too young, and appears to be serving alcohol to anyone who will ask (NO Trevor, no alcohol for Randy!!!! You KNOW how he gets! No, for the love of God!).
Someone stop the madness!

I wish people would realize that while young bartenders are popular at this time, and some people seem to like it (like Randy), that it is not a good idea.

"Ha! All I gotta do is get these folks wasted, put out my tip jar, and the tips will get me through college!!! Grandpa Keith was right!! I'm going to be a doctor yet!"

I have to go to something else. I can't deal with the bartender issue at this time. It's too much to bear.
A new event. Every Holiday we take a picture of the kids. Look at how our group of six has grown to a group of many. Amazing.

Here they are. Our originals. Like I said, I have a cute family.
Man, now Doug appears to have a
tude. That bartender needs to be stopped! Put a cartoon on or something! Give him a puppy or something!!

Oh yeah, back to the kids. We always take a funny picture. The bartender is innocent of this crime. No puppy needed at this time.

Doug seems to have gotten over his
tude. Thank goodness.
I'll post more pictures tomorrow: the boys want the computer so I gotta go.
And the title of this post about shooting out your eye? Heck, just messing with your mind. That bartender got to me too. Guess I'd better get me a puppy for protection.
1 comment:
Hey Mary,
It's Elishia Harvill! You gave me a book when I was pregnant with my daughter. "The Polar Express", well my husband read that book and "The Night Before Christmas" to our family on Christmas Eve. Everytime I see the book or movie, I think of you.
I'm still in Olympia and home with the kiddos. I'll be going back to work in a few years, not sure where or what I'll be doing, but back to work nonetheless.
Looks like you and your family have a lot of fun!
Take care,
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