I love messing with pictures. Just love it. Hee, hee.

While looking for another picture I came across these of a time long, long ago (okay, just about three years ago) when I babysat Luke. Luke was SO GOOD, and sweet that afternoon and I remember how he reminded me how much I adore babies. He tended to cry a lot (ask mommy Jenn about that!) and for some reason the afternoon with me he was plain ole simple adorable.
Oh man, from looking at this picture it looks like I like babies so much it looks like I cover them with blankets for no good reason. What a good babysitter I am. NOT.
Just makes you want to leave your kids with me, right? Bring em on!

Man, now that he's such a big boy (and a real kick at that!), this seems so long ago.

Update on cat: she's doing much better. She made her way into the closet and settled down. Seemed to like it. We then let her out of the bedroom and she's now able to settle down in her favorite spots. A much happier kitty.
Just don't ask Mark about giving her pain pills. He's going nuts trying to figure out how to get those things down her. He's plotting against her and I think she knows it. And I have to tell you, at this point kitty is winning.
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