Cari and I drove up to Washington Saturday to surprise my Mother-In-Law. The plan was to take her out to eat, and to the Nutcracker Ballet! How fun! Not so fun was the fact that snow was
fore casted, and Mark prepared the wheels for chains. Not so fun.

We stopped at a little dinner on the way, one I've driven by for years. Looks like we were in good company! The food was good, the folks nice.

We drove up to to Rachel's and then on to Seattle to do some shopping.

Seattle was all decked out for the holidays.

The girls enjoying Seattle all decked out for the holidays.

We went home and Gavin and his friend Seth played a mean 'guitar hero' for the enjoyment of all.

All were enjoying it!

Sunday morning the weather was rather nasty, so we passed brunch up and all met up at the Ballet. Here I make a new friend.

Why, looks like Mary Jo has made a friend as well. We are a friendly family.

Here everyone gathers, so we can go and watch the 'Rat King' and the Nutcracker duel.

Good looking family.
Nuff said.

SOME people didn't want their picture taken.
Nuff said.

Here we go, up and up to our seats.

Wait! Someone really DID want their picture taken! See?

AND there was beer. I like that kind of Nutcracker Ballet.

Here the gals wait for the ballet to begin. It was amazing, and the dancers were wonderful, and the colors were beautiful. We all enjoyed it, and part of the fun was everyone being together.

Even Jessica, who just had her wisdom teeth removed. OUCH!

Time to head out and grab something to eat.
Merry Christmas Grammy Jo. We loved surprising you, and spending the time with you. It was fun showing you how important you are to us, and how much we love you.
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