Every year at this time I purchase the 'singing snowmen' that Hallmark displays. I waited this year for a deal, and I'm glad I did. And not just cause I got a deal.

Mark and I wandered through the mall, and came across Santa's village. How quaint. How cute. Love it, but there is no Santa around. Must be having a coffee break: after all folks, this was on Christmas Eve. The guy needs to rest once in a while! He was going to be very busy that night.

We admired the tall tree, towering over Santa's little house.

We even admired the little tree in front of Santa's house.

And we admired the snowman standing outside of Hallmark, greeting one and all. While I purchased my little snowmen, the gal at the counter told us the snowman was really the chairman of the company (I'm guessing the group that owns the local Hallmarks) and that he was playing the snowman because he'd lost a bet. That gave us a chuckle, and made it even more fun to buy the snowmen. And the fact that the little snowmen sing and dance make it even better. Not sure if the big ole snowman sings and dances. Guess we'll never know.
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