Today was Mark and Doug's last basketball game for Rec
league. They won the first game (great game!) and then since the next two teams didn't show up the teams played again. Lots of playing time, and the other team won the second game. Then we went out for pizza at Pizza Caboose and a good time was had by all. When we got home Doug settled down on the couch to watch some TV and Mark just couldn't leave well enough alone....

And then, to make matter worse, he decided to give Doug a little kiss. Doug did not appreciate that. Therefore the face.

Ah, Mark loves bonding with the kids. And Doug likes kicking his dad's butt.

More bonding. More love. More Mark getting his butt kicked.

As the carnage goes on Brianna waits so she and Doug can watch Saw 4. Now doesn't that sound like a fun way to bond as a family? I don't think so.
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