Last night Mark and I met up with Kathy, Victor, Charlie, Rachel, and Dana at the University of Portland's Relay. It was in the commons and a perfect location, with bright lights hanging from several tents. I gather the students can't camp out, but they still found a way to make it work.
They had several activities going on. When we got there the band Alma Desnuda was playing and they were SO GOOD! They're from SF and they may be able to play at our Relay, since they already have a concert planned in Portland around the same time. Fingers crossed!!!

And I loved this shirt for breast cancer prevention: 'don't slack, check your rack'. Excellent!

When we got there we didn't see one luminaria out, and we got there around 9 pm. Kathy asked and they assured us that all would be up and running by 10, and they were correct.
Dana was one of the speakers and she did a great job because she spoke from her heart.

It was a nice sight to walk the commons and see all the bags. I bought a bag for my Mom, but I didn't see it. Doesn't matter: I know she knows it was there and that's what counts.

Keep on fighting Super Dave. I don't know you, but I Relay for you.
My first Lumanaria Ceremony after Mom died. I miss you Mom, and I will keep on fighting, just like Super Dave. We're in it to win.
1 comment:
We will not stop until we find a CURE!
Mary, THANK YOU...YOU are the reason I started Relaying back in '03....Looking back, we knew something was happening that night, but I don't think you, Capi or I had any idea of the impact or friends we would be making because of Relay!
So glad you & Mark were out there last night...we had a blast!
Have a super great weekend my friend...good luck with the carpet!
~ Kathy
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