I think the house is beginning to come together. Comfortable. Looking good. Lire seems to think it's a great place to curl up with a good book (LOL!).

LOOK at how nice our new carpet looks!!

It even makes the furniture look passable (so we can postpone getting new furniture until we find what we really like).

We moved the shelves in the family room into the living room and it looks good. Mark didn't quite buy it until it was all in place, and now he really likes it.

Love my grade school books, post office boxes, baby planters, and cute little cars.

This little guy was found in the dirt right after the house was torn down and all the trappings were hauled away to the dump. I figured he really wanted to 'live', so he has a special place in my heart.

Jenn and Steven relax after doing homework.

Cari came over to see and admire the new floors, and play with the wog. They had fun!

Then she hung out with Steven. They had 'fun'.

Well, Cari had fun picking on Steven. He may be way taller than her, but she is still the top banana around here!

That's my girl!

Mark and I decided to take a walk and see if the horses were out.

Sure enough, there they were. We see them every once in a while when we drive by this pasture, and I really wanted to take some pictures.

We got a personal greetings. Isn't life great???
1 comment:
The house looks AWESOME!!
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