Mark, Cari, Steven, Jennifer, and I all took a big ole Easter brunch to the
RMH. Doug and Crystal had to work, darn it. I had a lot of fun baking yesterday: one item I wanted to try was a simple glaze and sanding sugar on cookies. It was easy and looked great!

And I had bought some mini cookie cutters and I wanted to give them a try with the glaze and sugar as well. Perfect!

Happy Easter! Love Freddie's sales!

The turkey took forever to cook, but finally the little timer popped up, and we took off for the House. The drive over gave the turkey some time to 'set', and Mark got to work.

Cari provided much needed support. Right. Sure.

So I put the chef's hat that Jennifer (one of the moms from the
RMH) made for me. How nice of her was that? She also made me two aprons as well. She's not only fun to play 'apples to apples' with, she's kind as well. Lucky me!

Steven and Jennifer rocked in making the waffles. I think they had a good time with it, and they bickered the whole time about how long they should cook, regardless of the 'ding' of the timer. Very funny!

Cari brought all kinds of fruit. The strawberries were beautiful.

Work, work, work. Busy, busy, busy.

Jennifer also helped with the fruit.

So she took a break and went outside to hang out with Ronald (okay, so I told her to do so.....). It was a bit chilly, so she was a sweetheart to do this for me.

Steven did so also for me (another sweetheart), and he and Ronald hit it right off!

Jennifer jumped into the fray, and it's like they were all old friends, and had known each other all their lives.

Okay, I told her to do that. I couldn't resist! Sorry Ronald! I still love you.

Steven makes sure he's there for his friends. Real or not.

As you can tell, someone didn't want to go out into the cold and sit on a fake guy's lap. But come to think of it, she never did really warm to Santa either.....and he's real!

Jennifer helping with strawberries. Steven still working on waffles.

A good combination.

Dad and Daughter.

Jennifer and Mary: Steven decided I needed to be in a few pictures.

Funny....really funny.

Okay Steven (smirk), that's enough!

So Steven gives Daddy some attention.

Cari gives Daddy some attention.
Mark now wants to be left alone. Go figure.

Jennifer got on a step stool and was trying to look taller than Steven. Here Cari works on that.

Some places have chicken and waffles: we did turkey and waffles! Rebels.

The grapes looked so good.

As we left we
consolidated the cookies, and don't they look festive? Happy Easter everyone!!!
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