Sunday, January 25, 2009
A good type of snow
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Mama mia!
Go Cardinals!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Happy B day dad!!!

My dad is a sports kind of guy. I remember as a kid going to the park and playing while dad played, or umpired, baseball. I remember going to the bowling alley and hanging out while he bowled in a league. I remember going to a high school football game dad refereed (I think it was at Live Oak High School) when I was in the 6th grade, and our baby sitter was there, and she was one of the baton twirlers, AND she even used batons that were on fire! Wow, do I remember that. I remember listening to baseball games on the radio during road trips, and at picnics. I still like listening to games on the radio today: reminds me of lots of good times we had.
I don't have many memories of dad and golf, except I know he's a fiend for it. But there is a funny story out there about a very young Steven and a golf cart gone a stray. I wasn't there, but I hear it was funny.
AND this last year my dad was golfing with a friend, and at the same hole they both got a hole in one! Can you believe it? How amazing is that? You go dad!
Hey dad, remember when you were umpiring a baseball game, Linda broke her arm, and when she came to tell you, you told her to wait until the inning was over? I remember she was pretty low keyed about it all (pretty good for a little kid, eh?), and I'm pretty sure you were pretty amazed when you found out she wanted your attention because her darn ole arm was broken! What the heck! That's our Linda girl.
Come to think about it, I cut my eye at that same park (not at the same time as the infamous Linda broken arm thingy), and I had to have stitches. Maybe we should have rethought that whole park thing dad. Maybe.
Back to you dad.
My dad is funny, sporty, smart, loving, and I ADORE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART. I love how he ADORES MY MOTHER WITH ALL HIS HEART. I am so lucky that my parents showed me what loving each other is all about. Mark is lucky that way too. We both have wonderful parents and don't think we don't know it.
Dad found a tile, with a child's note framed in it. A cute little note, probably written during class. A cute little note, probably written during class, definitely written on the very day my dad was born! How cool is that? What are the odds?
By the way, come to think about it, what's with the names Mary, Linda, John, and Tom? Come on folks: could you have chosen any simpler names? Would have served John right if you'd named him Percival, or something along that line............hee, hee. I'm liking it. Percival.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Let sleepng boys and cats lye.
I think she has something there.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Crazy Cat
Mark called the vet and he suggested we cut up a child's t-shirt to cover her up. Right. This is the cat that shredded the cone they put on her. We tried a t-shirt and it lasted all of 30 seconds. Darn cat.
Michael, one of the boy's friend (and we like him too), wrapped her leg in an ace bandage: he did an excellent job and that helped out big time. Okay, so she managed to get the cast off by morning, but as with the cast she's not bother her leg after the first day. So far so good.
Darn cat.
Here Doug poses with Curt, his first basketball coach, and one of our favorite people.
When I think about all the wonderful folks we've met through sports in Tigard, I think about how very lucky we are to be a part of this life. It's good folks, it's good.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Cat stuff
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 the corner of my mind......

I love messing with pictures. Just love it. Hee, hee.
Oh man, from looking at this picture it looks like I like babies so much it looks like I cover them with blankets for no good reason. What a good babysitter I am. NOT.
Just makes you want to leave your kids with me, right? Bring em on!
Just don't ask Mark about giving her pain pills. He's going nuts trying to figure out how to get those things down her. He's plotting against her and I think she knows it. And I have to tell you, at this point kitty is winning.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Penguin love
She gave Deacon a penguin toy and let me just say he LOVES it. He has it with him most of the time, and he LOVES it when you throw it, and he LOVES it when you try to take it away from him.
I didn't really like the frosting I made (experimenting around at this time to find some good frosting recipes), but the cakes themselves were good and looked cute. I used the cake mix recipe for cupcakes so the cakes were a bit more sturdy than when made the regular way for a cake mix, so I think that's what made them work.
And the boys don't really like cake with frosting, so since the process involves cutting out the mini cakes from bigger cakes they liked eating the scraps. A win/win. Now I want to make some more and try different ways of decorating them. Fun!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
What a copy cat!
Tuesday Mark was getting some stuff out of the fridge, Lire jumped into the fridge, Mark tried to shoo her out, and when she fell her leg caught in the handle for the bottom freezer and lets just say it WASN'T PRETTY. Lots of yelling by a cat, lots of yelling by Mark and Steven, and just plain ole freaking out. Come to find out she'd torn the ligaments in her left hind leg. WASN'T PRETTY.
Surgery needed to be done, and Friday morning it was done. The vet tech let us know she did NOT do well afterwards, shredding to pieces the cone they put on her so she wouldn't shred her cast, and fighting the cast. She said Lire was a very sweet cat, letting them pet her and purring at times, but then she'd spent most of the rest of the day sleeping and fighting the cast.
I tried staying in the room with her, but at 2:05 am I realized she wasn't going to settle down, so I finally went out and slept in the living room. I got up at 5:30 to give her a pain pill, she was looking and acting much better, she took the pill with just a bit of fuss (even in a Greenies pill pocket she spit it out the first time), and I had to clear her mouth of Cotton (that will teach her to attack a cast: they do have a strange way of fighting back). Now THAT was fun.
Heck, paying the bill will be fun. Right.
So this morning has gone pretty darn well. She's only attacked the cast a couple of times (the cotton revenge must have made an impression), and while I was out of the room, getting some breakfast to fortify myself for dealing with one mad cat, she managed to crawl under the bed and she seems happy there. She growls when you come near, so for now I'm leaving her alone.
Maybe I should use myself some cotton as a shield in future encounters.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
And a Happy New Years was had by all.
Or talking 'bunny to mouse'. Cari is talking on a bunny, and Trevor is talking on a mouse. Yes folks, you may have a cell phone, but according to Trevor 'bunny to mouse' is the way to go when you want to talk to your friends.
Silly me, if you think about it, he's right. You don't get to see what you look like with your eyes closed except in pictures. His logic was sound.
So here goes Trevor: here's what you look like with your eyes closed.
Friday, January 2, 2009
You'll shoot your eye out kid!

The bar tender appears to be a bit young to be dispensing alcohol. Perhaps he has provided a bit too much to Steven and Jessica and that accounts for their attitudes. I have the feeling this is the case.
Someone stop the madness!

A new event. Every Holiday we take a picture of the kids. Look at how our group of six has grown to a group of many. Amazing.

Man, now Doug appears to have a tude. That bartender needs to be stopped! Put a cartoon on or something! Give him a puppy or something!!

I'll post more pictures tomorrow: the boys want the computer so I gotta go.
And the title of this post about shooting out your eye? Heck, just messing with your mind. That bartender got to me too. Guess I'd better get me a puppy for protection.
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