Friday Tom and I went into Chico to get ourselves some dinner and see a baseball game. We parked near the baseball park and walked through Chico State campus to get something to eat.
The campus has some wonderful wetlands and such.

And some amazing buildings. I really enjoyed walking through the campus. I haven't been there since I was in HS. Granted that Chico State is known as THE party school: the only time I was ever there was for an orchestra event and trust me, we didn't party. Darn it.

Okay, the moment I saw this poster I knew I was going to enjoy my lunch. A burger and fries!

We went to Madison Bear Garden: it's owned by the same folks who own Fannie Annes in Old Town Sacramento, and I used to love to go there.

Oakland Raiders bar. Interesting concept.

Buggys and such all over the place.


And they make it easy to let folks know when they've had enough.

After eating we walked around downtown, finding a small bookstore to hang out in, and a fountain. And wouldn't you know it, right as Tom went to take my picture the fountain stopped.
Dumb ole fountain.

Back through the campus to the ballfield.

Party time?

Are these not awe inspiring?

Like I said, an amazing place.

The game was between the Chico Outlaws and the Vancouver Capitals. A unit from Beale AFB presented the flag. Well done.

Tom bought an Outlaw hat.

I'd like you to meet Avery. One of the guys sitting by us began asking Avery for a ball. He was funny, was doing it very nicely and very funny, and Avery kept putting him off. Cracked everyone around us up.

The game sold out, so they set up some space on the first base line and added tickets. It was the biggest crowd they've ever had. At 6 dollars a ticket you can't beat it. The crowd by us was nice and friendly and we all had a good time, even the guys from Vancouver in the bullpen right in front of us.

What a great night for baseball. The pictures don't do the evening justice.

Avery is still playing hard to get.

"Avery! Avery my friend! Throw me a ball! Come on buddy!" Our new friend even got others to plead his case for him.

The Outlaw mascot came by to say hello. How nice is that?

Quite the crowd attending.

But we had the bullpen. It was fun to watch them warm up right before us.
Since Avery was still playing 'hard to get' a group of very cute girls sitting by us began to chant, "Avery, Avery, Avery". Others joined in (yes, your's truly did) and Avery threw our new friend a ball. Everyone cheered, thanked Avery, and our new friend gave the ball to a very happy little fellow sitting by us. Fun times.

After the game there was a wonderful fire works display.
Happy Birthday America. I love you, and I wish you many more happy days.
1 comment:
I love your perfect firework picture. I took tons of shot but always just missed. Good job.
Happy 4th!
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