Cari, Crystal, and I were able to make it to Rachel's baby shower this last Sunday. Fun! We are so excited about Owen joining our family!!!
Here Megan and Rachel share in the excitement of knowing Owen is just about ready to join in all the fun of being a part of our clan.

Whoops, sorry. Got distracted by the food....looked so pretty, and it was pretty darn good as well.

Everyone visited and admired the babies. And we had some pretty adorable babies to admire.

We played a game where everyone made a baby out of play dough and Rachel judged the winners. Here Cari and Grandma Jo
collaborate on their designs.
And considering they both won, maybe I should have been over there with them. I didn't get anything. I sucked, as a matter of fact.

Rachel got to give many hugs, and Owen went along for the ride. Okay, so he didn't have much of a choice.

Aunt Leah rocks!!

Everyone hanging out.

Talking and eating and such.

Mary Jo rocks too!

Friends rock as well! Owen went along for even more hugging.

My boyfriend was there and he was just as adorable as I knew he would be!!!!!!!!!

Rachel and Grandma Lois. I was so glad to see her and get a chance to visit. She rocks too! I remember all the beautiful dresses she would make for the girls.

Our beautiful bride to be.

Grandma Jo was bathed in this bath tub as a little tyke, as well as my loving husband when he was a little bouncing baby boy. How cool is that???

Loved these!!

And when I got home I got to check out my new vehicle! By the time we got home from Cari's it was dark, and Mark took it to football practice to show it off, so I'll post some pictures soon.
1 comment:
Great Pictures! Fun Day!
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