Today Mark and I went to Costco to get a new camera, choosing the same camera Mary Jo and Mom and Dad have. EXCEPT mine is pink! Mark wasn't thrilled about that, but since Mary Jo and Mom and Dad's camera are silver I figure it will be easier to tell whose camera is whose.
Once we got home I started making some mini burgers, and Mark started figuring out the new camera.

Making lunch, figuring out the camera, and watching Harry Potter.

Once the burgers were done Steven came out and they fixed em up good.

Then Steven figured out Mom was trying to figure out the new camera, and he RAN. Ha!

I bought the boys t-shirts. Have you seen the video 'I Love My Ducks' on youtube? If not check it out, it's a riot. And I took this picture for my cousins back in Ohio. They're routing for Ohio State in the Rose Bowl: guess who we're rooting for??? GO Ducks!!!!
When I bought mine I told Randy if you bought this camera you would get the pink one. Have fun!
Go Ducks!!!!! (btw, I went to U of O...definitely a Duckie here!)
Hooray for your new camera!
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