Today has been a fun day. I joined my friends at work for the gingerbread house decorating event. Fun times my friends!

Santa almost always means good times are on their way!

Meeting up with Rachel and Charlie usually indicates I'm about to have fun.

And Kathy of course! Fun times in store!

Luke shows off part of what is about to decorate this house.

Caleb prepares for decorating. I helped Caleb and Luke: my job was to pipe frosting onto the house and their jobs were to put as much candy on that house as possible. We all did a great job!

Jennifer works on one of the trees. Don't ask what happened to the tree. What happens to a tree at a gingerbread house decorating party stays at the gingerbread decorating party.

Amanda works away. I was so glad to get to hang with all these folks. So much good times to be had.

Luke made it over to talk to Santa (he wanted one of those candy canes, and if it took talking to the big guy, he would talk to him).

Luke is rather 'covered' up here. Bummer.

We were scheduled for earthquake drills, they were postponed, so today an earthquake drill happened during the party.

Everyone in the cafeteria ducked and covered. Cozy, eh?

"Can we come out YET?"

The house is done. Not sure what the expression on Luke's face is meant to indicate.

Caleb was more than happy to present the results of all his hard work.

Mom and son. Great picture. Both very cute.

Cate poses in front of the snowmen.

Luke got a kick out of this!

The kids had so much fun, and do did I. Merry Christmas everyone!
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