This weekend was Relay weekend-AMAZING!!!! We had 102 teams and we had a great time!

We honored 140 survivors. Carol and her family did a wonderful job.

Cute girls were there.

Big drums were there.

Cute Karla, our ASC rep, who cut off several inches of hair for "locks for love" was there. Cute!

Cute Costco gals were there.

Taggers were there (that's our team tag on the poster for Team Gavin).

Cute boys were there.

And as we all know, when the firemen start emptying the pool, Relay is over for this year. We raised over 116 thousand dollars, and we will continue to raise money until August 31st! WOW!!!!
Congrats to Cari for graduating from PSU! I think that makes us fellow alumni now...
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