This was a busy weekend. Doug was busy avoiding the camera. Tricky guy.
I was busy organizing the house. I cleaned out my bedroom closet (the 'wade in' closet), and the hall closet, and such like that there. See the green containers? Organization in action folks!

Lire was busy looking into boxes left by men who were busy. Lire was one happy kitty.

Deacon was busy bugging men who were busy working on a computer. He was SO happy.
Look Mary Jo: his penguin toy. His new best friend. Okay, so he's eating the stuffing out of the darn thing, but he does LOVE that toy.

Computer. Not much I can think to add here. Losing my touch.

Steven and Mark were busy working on our computer. It's back up and running. I missed it.

This little fellow was busy. I think it's the same squirrel who barks until Deacon comes out to play. Then he runs up and down the tree while Deacon barks and barks.
He came up to the sliding glass door, watching Deacon's every move. I wish I could have gotten a picture of him looking in the window. I wasn't fast enough.

I was busy. Look what I got! Thanks Mark: in our house 29 years of marriage equal a kitchen aide. I love it!!!!!!!!!

Sunday Mark and I took a trip to Hood River.

Dreary and blustery day. Lots of wind. Road trip time! Heck, it's Oregon. If we waited for good weather at this time of year we'd never go anywhere.

We went to an air and car museum and had a great time. One of the gentlemen who started it up is from Yuba City. Yeah!!
This plane was my very favorite.

Mark enjoyed all the planes and cars. It was COLD in there, but with so much to look at after a while we were in the groove.

Big brother.

Little brother.

An air ambulance. I'd never seen anything like this. Amazing.

Mark in jeep. Hey John, you wanna come on over for a visit and you too can sit in a 'real' jeep? LOL!!!
The sign said it was un-roped so children could 'gently' sit in it. I kept a close eye on Mark, ensuring he was a good boy and respected other's property. I was so proud of him. He's growing up so fast............

Look at this: is this not cool?

Lots of information about some of the planes. Very interesting.

No way could I have flown this puppy. No flipping way.

Never seen a vehicle like this. Like I said folks, lots to see. Lots and lots.

Big ole piece of farm equipment. The person who sold it stipulated that it could NEVER be sold to part out. Thank goodness they ensured it stayed in one piece.

Big ole motorized bike. The woman who owned it rode it in parades. I loved that. Good for her!

Then we took off for Hood River, got ourselves some pizza and beer, and took a stroll around the town.
A very enjoyable weekend.