Sunday, August 24, 2008
World's strangest Stitch and Pitch

Happy Birthday Bear! And GO TIGARD!!
Since Bear likes tie-dye, we were all asked to wear tie-dye. Very interesting mix of colors I must say. And lots of good food included.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Squirrels and Cupcakes: who'd have thought?

One of Deacon's friends is a squirrel that hangs around the backyard. He (could be a she, but I'm guessing it's a guy) loves teasing Deacon, and will actually bark until we let Deacon out. Then he runs around and around the tree as Deacon barks back. Cracks us up!
Well, we look outside and there he is, rooting around in the dirt, where it's nice and cool. Rolling and hanging out. He'd watch us watching him, but he didn't seem too worried. He was cool and that's all that mattered.
My goal is to come up with two weeks worth of weight watcher friendly recipes. Easy ones. Good ones. I like to eat, so might as well make it easy for myself. So far the latest group of recipes I've tried have been hits. Works for me.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Picnics ROCK!
The theme was Hawaiian and the band and dancers were so fun to watch. They were performing on a hill and one of the gals literally slid down the hill as she came out to dance. She didn't miss a beat, made it look really pretty cool, and after that she became my favorite dancer of all!

Look at that smile. This is what you look like right after you slide down a giant (and again, I do mean giant) slip and slide. This is one of my favorite pictures. What a happy kid.

Yeah, right.

And even though he's a Forest Grove High School football fan, and roots against Tigard (boo!) when we play them, I still really like him. You would too, trust me. I got a chance to talk to his wife, hold his 9 month old son (way too cute), and I have to say, I now like the entire family.

It could happen.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hanging out

Friday, August 8, 2008
Day in the life of...
Oh yes, the kids have enjoyed playing on it. It's been great to have it in the house. We get a kick out of it, when Lire lets us.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
A girl's best friend.
He's the cutest penguin in the world, and he's sitting right outside my front door, waiting to greet me every time I head out the door. What a great guy I'm married to.
Relay For Life, Beaverton

Last year I took the picture above of a rather adorable young man.

May we keep the spirit of those we've lost to cancer alive, well, and glowing.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
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