Okay, looks a bit strange here. Trying out some tattoos I found at Party City. This is for my RFL team for Hillsboro. I think it looks stunning. I'll see what Rhonda, my team captain, has to say. Considering this may be the only way I ever get a tattoo, gotta enjoy it!

In one of the blogs I read one of the gals had baked up a rainbow cake. She explained she'd gotten the idea from one of her blogging friends. This gal's 5 year old daughter wanted a unicorn party. So the mom decorated up the house with cute designs, made inexpensive wands and such for the girls to play unicorn, gave each young lady a little pouch to gather 'jewels' hidden throughout the house, played 'pin the horn on the unicorn' game, and then when they all gathered for cake and ice cream she pulled out a cake with white frosting, several brightly colored round candies on it, and a unicorn sitting on the top of the cake.
She told the girls that she had baked a white cake, and that someone told her if she put this magic unicorn on the cake that it would make a rainbow. And sure enough: when she cut into the cake there was a rainbow! All the girls were thrilled!! The birthday girl loved it.
And the best part? When she took her daughter to school the next Monday one of the guests showed her that she had kept her piece of cake (the mom had sent home an extra piece with each girl) so she could show it to her friends at school and tell them about the magic unicorn cake.
As I've grown older I love stories like this more and more. Our children grow up so fast, and there is so much out there tempting them to grow up faster, and to lose that joy and innocence that childhood should have. There is only a small window to be a child and believe in magic. I think believing in magic and unicorns and tooth fairies and such can help teach children that anything is possible. Even after they no longer believe in those things. A poem I read said that we learn to make our own magic.
The birthday girl will have wonderful memories of her birthday, but I also believe the little girl who kept a piece of magic cake to show her friends will have wonderful memories as well, even when she no longer believes in magic unicorns.
But you know, at a future RFL meeting, a magic unicorn may appear. Oh yes, magic is in the air.

Until a magic unicorn comes my way, here is how I had to make my own magic. I colored five portions of the cake batter with fun colors. I then poured one portion in, and then on top of that I poured the next color. And so on. I wasn't sure it would work, but it worked like a charm (charm, magic, get it? oh I'm so witty).

Look at this! Doesn't that look wonderful? Mark thought I shouldn't frost it. He is coming around to the ways of the magic unicorn.

But I had to frost it. I've been looking for a frosting that isn't too sweet, and I finally tried one I'd been reading about that uses a flour and milk base. This was a perfect opportunity.

It was so good! The texture was great, and it isn't so sweet you want to scrape it off the cake. Oh yes, it's a keeper. I love it when a plan comes together.

And since my friends are putting together a 'Bark For Life', I bought some dog cookie cutters and some brown food coloring. I think they look pretty darn good. Whoof, whoof!

I like the fact the cookies look like dogs with a lot of decoration,but I'm gonna play around with different decorating ideas today for fun (gonna rent some movies today and practice decorating while I watch the movies and bemoan the rainy day outside).
Mary Jo had a great idea to make some doggie cookies shaped like people. I love it! I've got a recipe for doggie cookies with PB, and Deacon loves PB, so looks like an idea whose time has come.
Or maybe some magic unicorn cookies should be thought about as well. Hmmmmm........
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