Why am I making a face in the picture? Mark's grandmother gave us a very unusual gift. She gave me lots and lots and lots of quarters so I could call my mom whenever Mark drove me nuts (how did she KNOW what would happen?). This was to be used for pay phones for you young uns. Cracked me up with all the quarters.
AND she gave me something in a small box to symbolize what Mark would give me a 'lot of'.....and it was from a horse.....get it? In the picture above I'm opening that gift. A bit of a surprise, I must say.
But hey, I bet none of the rest of you got the same gift. Am I right? It makes me laugh whenever I think about it. Thanks Grandma Hazel. You were wicked funny!!!

And the 15 happy years? That was a running gag of my dad's. In this case he would say, "15 happy years....15 out of 30 ain't bad!" And trust me, we've had many more happy years than 15, and we're looking forward to many more.
But no more exploding volcanoes!!
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