St Pat must have been with us, because the weather was pretty darn nice! Fantastic! I mean, we do live in Oregon, and it is March. Sigh.
But the weather held, we had a great turnout, and don't Pat and Rhonda look adorable? Pat so loves doing the parade, and Rhonda and I are glad to help her celebrate the green!

We discovered shortly before the parade that we had a candy shortage, so Rhonda and I ran to WinCO.

'Hey, get out of our way! We got a parade we got to get to!'

This little cutie is Scooby. Very cute.

And we all know being very cute can make you very tired.

We knew we were in good hands, with the Hillsboro Police Dept out in force. I got a kick out of the smirk he gave me when I stopped to take his picture, and Angie laughing at me while I did it.

Speaking of Angie, here she is with Carol and our first place trophy. How fun is that? We were very spirited and I think we deserved it. Good job ladies. These are some of my favorite people.


Is she not a cutie? We Relay for young ladies like this.
Her friends were a kick!

Her friends made new friends.

Again. Why we Relay.

I've used these signs for four years now. Go Relay!

Marie. I love, love, love her. She is such an inspiration, and always so thoughtful and kind. Her picture should be next to the description of kindness in the dictionary. She truly wants to get information out to the public on cancer awareness. She is a Relay Star to me.

You go Rhonda. You Relay For Life.

All done. Wrapping up. I think everyone had a good time. And I hope we got the word out there about Relay. Come on folks, let's kick cancers butt!!!!
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