My mother gave me my love of reading, especially mysteries, and I find myself sounding like her more and more everyday. I find myself saying things just like she did, and I think that's wonderful. When I sound like her, or find myself saying something I know she'd say, I'm keeping her spirit out there in the world. My mom was fascinated by Egyptian culture, and I grew to love it as well. Basically they believed that if someone's name was out there, say on buldings and momuments, that the person's spirit continued to live, even after death.
I believe that everytime I bring out that part of myself that was my mother that I'm keeping her spirit alive and strong. That she's still here, that crazy sense of humour of hers and all.
Everytime I laugh at Bugs Bunny or watch the Wheel Of Fortune. Everytime I read an Agatha Christie book. Everytime I say something droll to my kids and they roll their eyes, my mom will be there. I was so very lucky to have her as my mom. I wish every child had a mom like my mom. This world would be a much better place.
Mary - beautiful picture and tribute to your Mom. I'm glad I got to meet her, but I guess I see her almost every day in you! love, Capi
So sorry to hear about your Mom. I agree with Capi what a beautiful tribute..And I must say thanks to Erna myself for a lovely lady who I am proud to call my friend and one whom I love dearly. Kel
My thoughts are with you all Mary! Amber
I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers
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