At the park where my dad lives the women have a twice monthly 'ladies lunch', where they go out for lunch. If I was visiting during one of the luncheons I would attend. Tuesday was the latest luncheon and the women had a place set for my mom and put some lovely flowers there for her. They then brought them to us, and I thought that was such a wonderful way to honor her. She would have loved that.
The folks that live there are the BEST. When Dad called Linda to tell her that mom had died, Linda told him to call Peggy across the street. And even though it was 4 in the morning, Peggy came right over to be with dad when the Hospice came to take Mom. That's the kind of folks that are in his life, and that makes all of us kids feel so much better. We can't be there for him at all times, but they're there to help him through this. People like Peggy make this world a better place.

On Fridays Mom and Dad would go to Shakey's Pizza to eat some pizza and listen to live music. We did the same Friday night. Dad asked the band to play Mom's favorite song.

It was nice to be together, doing something Mom would have enjoyed. Mark and Glen hang out, while Scott waits for pizza. It was so darn nice to be with Glen and Scott. We have to figure out the next time we can all get together.

Mark and Rhonda. What a wonderful family I have.

Here we are: John, me, Linda, and Tom.

Another picture. The last time we took a group shot it didn't turn out, so thankful these did. Dad will like to have these, and heck: I will too.

Here we are with Dad.
Linda was amazing with the paperwork. Mom's benefits come her Post Office retirement, so we need to be sure all paperwork is turned in correctly. Thank goodness she's so good at that! I'm sure not.
We're all hanging in there. Dad is staying strong, and that filters down to all of us. We're very lucky to have such a wonderful family. My mom will be missed very much, and I'm so glad I have so many great memories of her.