Mark has been researching the issues with our big ole screen TV, and lo and behold he found a fix! He ordered the parts, worked on the darn thing, and it's now up and running. I'm so proud of the time and effort he put into it, and how he took the time to ensure he knew what was going on. Good job honey!

I've been enjoying using my new appliance. It's so nice, and while I still love my little hand mixer, this is a new way of life for me.

Cupcakes. Oh yes, cupcakes.

Deacon needs me to do some surgery on his penguin. He's literally loved it to death!

Road kill or not, he loves this little fellow and takes him everywhere.

Lire is learning to adapt to the issues with her leg. On her last checkup the vet said she's doing great, and she is now much more cuddly than before the accident.

The leg has a life of it's own. It's been 'reborn', and thank goodness it's up and running. What a sweetie.
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