Friday, March 27, 2009
Dinner for Eight. And two cats.
Cari and Richard were cooking up a storm when we got there. Chicken, rice, and broccoli. It was excellent. Thank you all for making dinner. We loved it, and we had a great time.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hanging out
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Blankets and books
I found this very interesting: she discusses the fact that oven temperatures were often checked by throwing a tablespoon of flour on the floor of the oven, and if the flour turned a brownish-orange in 5 to 1 seconds the temperature was correct. I think I would has SUCKED at baking in those days.
Here is a taste of what is in store when reading this book:
'It's a bustling place, that shabby old kitchen of ours, on a morning like this, and a fascinating place, too, even for a girl of twelve or thereabouts. There in the place of honor stands the chief actor in the morning's affairs, the heavy iron stove beaming under its coat of fresh polish which Anna, our hired girl, has applied by dint of elbow grease. Anna's strong hands have also brought the sheaf of nickel-plated calla lilies which decorates the oven door to a state of dazzling splendor, raked the ashes from the grate, and coaxed the fire to that glowing complexion which to Mother meas a 'steady oven,"just right for the generous cakes and loaves that will shortly be entrusted to it's keeping.'
Friday, March 20, 2009
Deacon, the penguin, and one bum leg.
And Deacon still loves his penguin, even though the poor thing is now in pieces throughout the house! It's so crazy!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Clover all over
Last Sunday we got lots and lots of hail (is that how you spell it? Gads).
Fun to try new things. And since I take the goodies to the House, they don't sit around and tempt me. And trust me: when I have stuff like this in the house, it tempts me. I'll never be the type of person who can have baked goods in the house and not eat my fill. That's just the way it goes. I'm good with it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Someone had a good ole time in Tigard
And it all came right off when washed thank goodness! We were the only ones hit in our neighborhood (we did see a road sign spotting a few bright spots of orange for the world to see a few blocks over, but that's about it), so probably one of the boy's 'friends' left a calling call. Thoughtful boys, so very thoughtful.
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