Saturday, May 17, 2008

Doug and the 'fancy dress' affair

Doug and Brianna are going to the prom tonight. Aren't they adorable?? Brianna's dress is lovely and she's beautiful.

Doug, as usual, is charming and debonair....

Everyone turned out to take picture. Amy did a wonderful job of ensuring that Brianna got all the primping time a girl needs at a time like this. Isn't it the best when you have someone like this in your life that will treat you like a queen? You're the best Amy. Brianna deserved it.

I'd like to say that they both look cute while Brianna pins on the corsage, and I'd like to say a big thank you to Mark for cleaning the kitchen. That's why I love him. He cleans.

I had to throw this one in. Baby. Big ole baby.

More pictures to follow later. :)

1 comment:

jenrust said...

awwww! Cute pictures! So glad you shared this!