Yesterday Mark and I drove on down and watched the Duck's spring game. The weather was pretty darn nice, but I did wear my Ducks sweatshirt cause this is Oregon...and yes, I did need it. Here I am getting ready to go.

And they made us feel so welcome when we got there! Tons of fans turned out, and with lots of kids getting their Duck groove on, complete with lots of Ducks gear. Parents are getting their kids thinking Ducks early. Good job.

As you can see it was a beautiful day. It was a bit chilly up where we were sitting. Good thing I am the proud owner of a Ducks sweat shirt, eh?

While the game was fun to watch, it was pretty mellow with a couple of very cool plays thrown in. Doug and I agree, we HAVE to go to a Duck's game this year.

What can I say? I'm a sucker for mascots, and he's one of my favorites.

During the game the announcer brought to the crowd's attention the amount of 2's on the scoreboard. Got a kick out of that. A fun time, and just made me ready for football to start.
Go Ducks!!!!
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