Got back from my trip to California: had a GREAT time with mom and dad. Got to see Tom, John, and Linea, and just hang out and relax.
Unfortunately while I brought my digital camera, I didn't realize the memory card wasn't in it...sigh....lucky for me mom had a disposable camera I could have. Thanks Mom!!! I'm taking it to Costco this weekend and we'll see if any of my pictures came out. Man, made me realize how much I love digital....
And while I was gone Mark was a doll and went and bought our bed at Ikea!! I was so happy!!! He had the headboard up by the time I got home, so I could see the basic form, and last night he completed it. Looks amazing.

He worked away at it. I just had to show you how cute he looked while making his wife happy.

And then, of course, he had to take some rest time, and that's when Lire pounced! She cuddled right up to him, and they spent some well deserved quality time together, watching a movie. A man and his cat: how special is that??
And below, Brianna brought her niece over. She is such a sweet baby, and I always enjoy when she comes over. Get my baby fix in. And yes, I did say babies in my header, and I'm very very sorry, there is only one baby. I lied. Get over it.
But heck: she's cute enough for lots of babies!!!!!!