Putting together a couple of lollipop displays for my niece Megan's wedding. She's going to have a candy table and I figured this would be a fun gift to give her. I saw a similar idea in a blog, so I stole the idea and did it my way.

I have two round Styrofoam bases, then some blue jelly beans, and then some happy, smiley face blue lollipops. And a big ole white ribbon. So cheerful!

I made a 'gate' of white and wedding paper. Love the muted tones. Hopefully the bride (and mom of bride) will like it!

And I really like my new hair cut. Not sure what that has to do with lollipops and muted wedding paper.
Haircut looks AWESOME!
YEAH, have a wonderful time at the wedding...STAY COOL...gads, what a weekend for a wedding! You guys will have a blast and SO many fun stores and PHOTOS (Cari) to share.
Safe travels!
~ Kathy
Your haircut is hair-cute. :)
I like it curly, or straight. The hairdresser did a really nice job!
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