One of my very favorite bloggers is Bakerella. She has a very cheerful site, and her updates always seem to inspire me to be more creative, and not only while baking.
She announced she was going on a book tour and one of her stops was going to be in Washington. I was planning on going there UNTIL my friend Kathy informed me she was now coming to Washington Square Mall. Oh my gosh, that is right at the end of my street!!! Bakerella was coming to my neighborhood! Wahoo!
Kathy and I quickly made plans to get there early. I took the day off, started my day by watching the movie 'Heidi' with Shirley Temple while drinking my morning coffee. A very nice way to start the day. And then I took myself over to WS to meet Kathy around 10.

Come to find out that MJ decided to come along, and we had the BEST TIME EVER. It was fun hanging out while we waited. We chatted it up with the folks standing in line ahead of us and behind.

We took pictures. Lots of those. It was actually fun waiting.

And then she arrived! She brought her BFF along for the tour (Bakerella is the gal holding the white bag), and it was just about time for even more fun.

More pictures were taken on both sides of the signing table.

Great display. So colorful and for every book bought we also got some cute buttons to go along.

The manager of Williams Sonoma explains what's about to happen.

I liked the way they handled it. She basically answered questions folks had about making cake pops, the subject of her book.

And then she got down to business signing books. Kathy, MJ, and I were number 4, 5, and 6!

Love my book. Can't wait to try some of these bad boys out.

And Kathy made my Letty's bag, and I love it more than I can say. I love it not only for the colors and the penguins. I love it because Kathy made it, and having her as my friend has brought so much joy into my life. I adore her and I hope she knows it.
1 comment:
I adore YOU even more! So glad we got to see Bakerella together AND with MJ...what a great day! ;)
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