My dad came up to attend the Survivor Celebration at the Relay For Life in Beaverton. Here he waits for the first lap to begin.

All our Survivors gather. Some of our Survivors are so very young: too young to have to fight cancer already. I hate cancer.

Dad joins in the ranks. Beautiful sunny day.

Rachel and I cheer from the sidelines.

Not sure if Dad is telling Mark to back off, or shake his hand! LOL!

I joined Dad in walking. I'm so glad Dad could make it!!! I miss Mom and thought of her often during the Relay. I have to admit I cried a few times.

For the Luminaria Ceremony I set up 'The Empty Table'. My other hubby Victor read the text that goes along with the table and he did an amazing job, as I knew he would. And ask him about having to read a hand written copy. Ask me about having to hand write out the text! I've discovered that printers really are our friends.....

Clackamas Relay created a large, wooden Luminaria, where folks could write a message to their loved ones, or a thought, or just the name of someone whose life has been touched by cancer. I wrote about Mom.

Sunday morning they announced the winners of the bake off, and I won! I won overall, and money was donated to my fundraising account, and I won for presentation and I won a great carry case. I love it!

At the closing ceremony Kathy talked about how I'd gotten her started in Relay so many years ago. I'm so glad we did so, and I'm glad we're still together in the fight against cancer. And you know, I'm not sure why I'm saluting....or whatever....

Kathy introduces the members of the 'thousand dollar club'. Her daughter Charlie sat with me (she's too darn cute and I always get a kick out of her). And she's our top fundraiser! Go Charlie!

After the ceremony it's time to pack up and get ready for next year.

Clackamas also loaned us a big ole green balloon and everyone had 'fun' taking it down.

We got spirit, yes we do. We have spirit: HOW ABOUT YOU?
That was Sue's message to us. Be sure you have spirit in your life, and lots of HOPE.