Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Concert in the city.

I volunteered at a booth for the RMH at a concert in Portland. 
Here is a view of the park: it used to be a parking garage, but they converted it into a very different park, titled Directors Park.
I think they did a great job.

It was a beautiful day today!  Blue sky, and a bit of a breeze.

I enjoyed the street art.

And the fountains.

And the WAY cool buildings.

I love my new shades.  They match my shirt quite nicely, don't you think?

Trying to keep the tablecloth straight, with the breeze, was difficult, but I wouldn't trade that breeze for anything!!  It was hot and the breeze made it bearable.

Tracy and I had a great time manning the booth.

We handed out clown noses: so Ronald McDonald!

They estimated there were about 800 people there, and they all seemed to be having fun.  The band was pretty darn good, and played fun music.

What a fun park to hang out in.  Yes, no grass, but it was a great venue for the band.

I decided to rock the nose.  I think it goes without saying.

Is she not adorable??   She loved the nose, wore it quite a bit, and danced and laughed and we so enjoyed watching her happy spirit.
Her dad was such a good guy: he gave her freedom to be herself, but kept her safe.  It was a joy to watch a good parent being good.
Lovely night.  So enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Relay said...

I love the red noses! And glasses!